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Primates (Excerpt)


Primates (Excerpt)

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Primates (Excerpt)

Tackling Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas in turn, and covering the highlights of their respective careers, Primates is an accessible, entertaining, and informative look at the field of…


Published on May 8, 2013


Check out Jim Ottaviani’s Primates, out on June 11!

Jim Ottaviani returns with an action-packed account of the three greatest primatologists of the last century: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas. These three ground-breaking researchers were all students of the great Louis Leakey, and each made profound contributions to primatology—and to our own understanding of ourselves.

Tackling Goodall, Fossey, and Galdikas in turn, and covering the highlights of their respective careers, Primates is an accessible, entertaining, and informative look at the field of primatology and at the lives of three of the most remarkable women scientists of the twentieth century. Thanks to the charming and inviting illustrations by Maris Wicks, this is a nonfiction graphic novel with broad appeal.


About the Author

Jim Ottaviani


Jim is the author of seven graphic novels about scientists (so far), on topics ranging from physicists to paleontogists to behaviorists. He's probably the only comics writer whose books have received acclaim from both Physics World and Vampirella Magazine.

Upcoming titles include biographies of Richard Feynman and the Trimates (Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas) for First Second, and "T-Minus," the story of the space race, for Simon & Schuster's young adult imprint Aladdin.

His day job used to be as a nuclear engineer. He's now a librarian at the University of Michigan.

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